Jenny Ancell
What was your life style when you decide to follow Jesus?
I was beginning my teenage years and I was in my first year at High School. I was called a dreamer by a valued, old Scottish friend but I lived an ordinary life style, nothing outrageous.
What year were you baptized? What age were you?
I was baptized on top of beautiful Mt Tambourine at Camp Gidawarra in 1973. I was 13 years old.
Where did you begin to worship and what were your first impressions of the church?
I worshipped with the church at Wynnum in Queensland. As I had grown up in the church family in Wynnum, my impressions were formed throughout my childhood .I grew up seeing the family at Wynnum as a loving, friendly family that were accepting and nurturing. Several people in that family come to mind helped shape my identity and aspirations.
What difficulties/ challenges did you have in striving to be like Jesus?
I faced the pressures of carrying out my Christianity as a teenager. I fluctuated between conformity to Christ and acquiescence to the world.
What challenges did you have in feeling part of the Lord’s body?
At that time in my life we had four very dedicated adults who ran the youth group and I felt deeply supported in my faith. They were mentors to me and I am grateful in my life for their gifts of love and encouragement. They helped ‘grow my faith’
What principles of the Restoration movement (restoting Christianity to be as it is in the New Testament) are important to you?
The emphasis of our message to the world lies in understanding the love of Christ. That’s all, the rest will follow if one understands and responds to the love of Christ. Communicating this love to the world is the task at hand.
What did you think about having no musical instruments in worship?
I feel the absence of instruments gives a worshipper the opportunity to praise God individually in his/her own heart. Lately I am more concerned about giving my whole hearted attention to focusing on the words that I sing. When this happens, a kind of heart reflection process and encouragement seems to merge in praising God.
What is important to you, in how you walk in Jesus today?
I want to try and extend the same type of grace to people that Christ extended to me. I needed more than the usual. Otherwise, I think the idea of serving as Christ served is very important.
Where do you worship today? Approximately how many brethren?
I worship with the family at Belmore Road Church of Christ. Approximately 100 or so people worship there.
What roles do you carry out in the Church?
I help in teaching the Lets Start Talking Program and Sunday School Program. I’ve taught at some other events, Ladies Days etc One of my main tasks is to help support Marvin’s work and that involves a variety of jobs. I like to maintain the philosophy that if I have the strength and resources to do something that’s needed, I will do it.
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