Thursday, October 8, 2009


Peter Mandalidis

What was your life style like when you decided to follow Jesus?

Self centred, lacking purpose and direction & a deep awareness that outside of my family I had no friends. Also great mood swings from depression to short lived satisfaction.

What year were you baptised? What age were you?

1981 Aged 32 years.

Where did you begin to worship and what was your first impression of the church?

Eastside Sydney. The church had very few members and I had very little in common with them other than Christ. The church was very small and struggling to exist.

What difficulties / challenges did you have in striving to be like Jesus?

Looking at men rather than Jesus. Weak prayer life and lack of mentoring. I also had little understanding of the Old Testament and what I read seemed to me was very different to the New Testament. Too much detail and God seemed much harsher in the Old Testament.

What challenges did you have in feeling part of the Lord’s body?

Initially, none, but later there were problems due to differences with the brethren regarding matters of opinion. I held very strong opinions that brought me into conflict with some brethren.

What principles of the Restoration movement (restoring Christianity to be as it is in the New Testament) are important to you?

One Lord, one Faith, one baptism = 1 church that Jesus is head of (Eph 4:5) and the realisation that anyone who is not in Christ is not in His church and is lost eternally.

What did you think about having no musical instruments in worship?

This is what God desires in His church and this does not alter due to culture or the passage of time. Jesus is king and does not change his commandments.

What spiritual interest did you have before becoming a Christian?


What is important to you, in how you walk in Jesus today?

To walk as Jesus walked and to grow daily to be like Him. The challenge is to keep a balance as Jesus was balanced. He spent quality time with the Father and people and had enough time for both. He also managed to do the work that God had sent Him to accomplish even though there were great obstacles.

Where do you worship today? Approximately how many brethren?

Eastside church of Christ, approx 55 adult brethren

What roles do you carry out in the church?

Evangelist, preaching, teaching, song leading and being a loving brother to the brethren through example and direct encouragement. I am keenly aware that my role as an evangelist is to prepare God’s people for works of service as well as personally reaching out to those who do not know Christ. I am acutely aware that this will only be accomplished through asking God for strength, wisdom and direction.

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